Saturday, May 7, 2011

I have enjoyed a week with no outside commitments, and am anticipating the next couple months without any planned trips (other than a weekend get-away for our 4th anniversary :-D). When Peter was a baby, and there was only one little munchkin, it was much easier to adjust him around our busy schedule. However, as Peter grows and we now have Timothy as well, I am finding a lot of benefit in having a more consistent schedule and daily rituals.

There is great delight in feeling like I am finally getting back on top of the many varied and fascinating elements that compose my life. I can function fairly well on a prioritizing, urgency basis, but I much prefer slowing down and feeling like I can take an afternoon to ‘putter’ outside and know that all my tasks inside are up-to-date and complete.

In that vein, I wanted to share a few pictures of my boys from this week. God is teaching me that the most important thing I can do with each day is to take time with Him and to take time to actively engage and teach my little ones. Of course, that happens all day as it is important to me to have Peter with me and be teaching in everything I do. However, even that can’t compare with the importance of taking even just 15-30min each morning to focus specifically on teaching/connecting. And, (back to where I started) I find it so much easier to do so when we are on a normal schedule, and I am not feeling enslaved by the urgent. J

While helping with dishes, Peter decided to play the guitar with my egg slicer... :-D 

I had put Timothy in his basket while I was working, so Peter ran and grabbed another basket, climbed in it, looked up at me and said, "Us, Mommy, us!" 

The vibrant colours of this rainbow and the glowing gold of sun on the fields contrasting with the grey of the sky made my heart skip a beat. So, of course, I had to take a picture. :-) 

Peter has taken a great interest in feeding Timothy. He is actually very good at it, and it has been an amazing help in the evenings when Timothy is starving and I am trying to feed him and get supper on the table. Peter runs up and says, "My turn, mommy!", and I say, "Ok!" :-D

My adorable, rakish looking little baby boy. Isn't he the picture of adorableness??? 

Ok, for the record, I put a great deal of effort into NOT talking a lot on the phone while the boys are up - a fact you'd never know by the way Peter "talks" on the phone while doing just about anything... 

And, he always laughs on the phone - go figure. 

Peter is becoming such a good communicator. If I don't understand the word he is trying to use (which happens fairly regularly still) he puts a lot of effort into helping me understand - usually starting with the sound that would be made by said object. The other day we drove past a tractor hauling hay. A few minutes later he started to say something that I wasn't getting. So, he put his hands curled in a C position, palm down, fingers on his lap, side by side, and started making a growling noise. I thought he was attacking his legs, but that wasn't it. So, next, he made a hole with his one hand and poked a finger through with his other hand. I got the hole part, but that wasn't the word. Finally, he saw a holiday trailer parked in someone's yard, and motioned to it, again saying his word. The lights came on, and I realized he was saying "trailer" (the hands on his lap were a tractor/trailer pair)! I was most impressed at the lengths he went to help me understand what he was saying. Definitely praying that priority to communicate clearly continues for the next 80+ years! :-) 

Little goof! 

Mr. Serious here. You'd never guess that he was beaming at me a minute later... 

My boys... How I love them! 

Josh 'encouraged' me to roll down the hill today, a feat which delighted my son. A little while later Peter started heading back for the hill. Josh asked where he was going and he informed him he was going back to roll again. So, Josh grabbed the camera and headed on after him. 

This picture is compliments of my 'favoritest' man... :-D

Both boys enjoyed corn on the cob tonight - although Timothy enjoyed the cob only after I was done with it... Hopefully that doesn't gross too many of you out, but he sure enjoyed it! :-D

Choosing each day to love the life God has given me... What are you loving about your life today? 


  1. I think the rainbow picture is drastically improved by the old orange truck right in the centre bottom! :-D


  2. Yes, i'd have to agree with you on that one, Josh! :P
    WOW! The boys are getting SO big now, 'Chel. Its unbelievable.
    I should see about coming out there in the summer. We'll see what happens. I'd love to do another visit though! :D
    love you all~
