I've found that projecting how I am
currently feeling over infinity, especially if how I'm feeling is not so
great, is second nature.
Of course, as I'm sure you can
imagine or have experienced, this can be either exhilarating or
discouraging, depending on how you're currently feeling.
these last couple months of pregnancy I find this tendency can be very
overwhelming if I don't address it. I start feeling - not even
necessarily thinking, just feeling - like I am going to be
miserable/uncomfortable/tired non-stop for the next two months at least,
if not longer.
The delightful thing though, is that
when I start to actually think about the facts, not just feel, I realize
how untrue this really is! How I sleep, how I feel, whether or not I am
overwhelmed changes from moment to moment, day to day. The baby may
adjust positions slightly, I may find extra energy I didn't expect despite a lack of sleep, a sound sleep may come when I'm least expecting it, and how the boys are behaving plays a large factor into how I'm feeling.
finding a lot of freedom in realizing that how I'm feeling at the
moment is coloring my perception of the future, and it's probably not
accurate. Having been through two previous pregnancies, I also have the
experience to remind myself that there will be good days right up until
the end, and can anticipate those in my not so enjoyable moments.
lesson has been so very beneficial for me in every area of life. I
guess it's rather simple at the crux - our emotions/feelings aren't an
accurate representation of truth. I knew that before, but seeing how my
mind just automatically reverts to that tendency unless I am proactive
about re-training it has been very encouraging in those moments when any
area of my life looks bleak and dark.
was reminded of this a couple nights ago. It was during that 'crazy
hour' of last minute supper preparation. Timothy was crying and hanging
off my legs, Peter was playing hockey behind me and peppering me with
excited questions and "look at this mommy's" that were not helping me
remember what I had just put in the biscuits, I was experiencing some
rather persistent braxton-hicks, and to top it all off, was feeling
rather exhausted. The thought that came to mind at that moment was "it's
going to be a long two months."
But, 10min later, the contractions
had passed, Peter had moved to the livingroom and was playing with
Timothy who was laughing happily, the biscuits were in the oven, sitting
down for a few minutes before supper relieved the exhaustion, and life
suddenly looked shiny again. It was then I remembered my feelings of a
few minutes before, and laughed at my tendency to project the intensity
of some of the wildest moments of my day onto the entire remaining
months of pregnancy.
Really, it's what I'm allowing to
live in my mind that defines my perspective on the future. Join me in
striving to focus on the bright moments, the peaceful pauses, and the
joys of each day, rather than the overwhelming moments, hectic
happenings, and miserable sections of the same day!
2 Corinthians 10:5 - "... bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ..."